About Us
We are CompanionVille, a family owned small business with over 30 combined years of international business experience, and an extensive network of qualified Fintech, IT, Sales, Marketing, Compliance, Finance, HR, and many other candidates for you to choose from. Many of our candidates are high performers with whom we have worked directly, or, are 1st level direct referrals from our high performers. 

What makes us different from virtually all other Recruiting agencies?  You pay 15% of the candidate’s total annual compensation only IF AND WHEN our candidate successfully completes the trial period. That means there is no risk to you, the Client, and no upfront or setup costs. We are 100% results oriented, meaning you pay nothing until you see proven results. We also understand it's important to fill key positions fast, so we do not require an exclusive arrangement, meaning other recruiters or your internal HR teams can continue the search in parallel with us.      

Most recruiters and agencies charge either an up-front fee, or, a fee when their candidate starts work on day 1. In turn, these recruiting agencies promise to replace their candidate free of charge if they do not complete the trial period. In reality, however, the recruiter is far less motivated to find a qualified, timely replacement once the recruitment fee has already been paid by the company.

Our goal in creating CompanionVille was to create a recruiting agency which offers those terms, which we wanted for ourselves back when we operated from the client’s side and used agencies for our hiring needs.

Our 6 page customer agreement is simple, straightforward, and customer focused.

«There is nothing that brings me greater joy in my professional life than helping people grow and successfully take on new professional challenges. Throughout the years I’ve been fortunate to witness young professionals grow from entry level positions into accomplished C-level executives.  At this juncture of my life, the knowledge that I’ve had a hand to play in their success is more rewarding to me than any direct personal gain. Consequently, launching a recruiting agency was a natural move for me, as it gives me the opportunity to continue doing what I truly enjoy: witnessing the continued growth of my colleagues and my wider network of professionals.  -Igor Galkin»

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Contact Us:
+357 97 797 674
+357 99 270 298

For candidates and clients, please send your requests and email your CVs to:
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